The GOC was well represented at the Run with the Cops event at Santa Fe College. It brought people and organizations that support those with special needs. It is always great to be out with our community partners. Together, we are working to make lives better. Santa Fe College Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville NAMI Gainesville Alachua County Sheriff Gainesville Fire Rescue Gainesville Police Department Santa Fe College Police Department
What a great team. At the top: GOC, NAMI, City of Gainesville, Rotary, and Santa Fe Police all are represented in photo. Kim and Reid got a tour of the Sheriff’s helicopter, complete with state-of-the-art surveillance equipment. Deputy Matt Davis is on one of the ASO Co-responder teams. They are called out for cases involving mental health issues. Lloyd, Reid, and Mercy enjoy the day. Reid and Mercy are on the GOC Board. Mercy recently was appointed Provost of Santa Fe College.