The GOC is happy to say thanks. So many people from the Gainesville Rotary Club were instrumental in our kitchen renovation that we decided to throw a thank you breakfast. The Members who we serve… adults who live with mental illness… served the Rotarians a breakfast we made at the GOC. At the GOC, our Members also practice Service Above Self. Together, the GOC and Rotary Create Hope in the World. Rotary District 6970 Rotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. Rotary Club of Greater Gainesville Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville

So many of the people in this group helped the GOC long before the Wild Game Feast that renovated our kitchen. GOC Members Akeem and Wendie are with Leza Mueller and Shoab Rana. Leza is a Rotarian and a GOC Board Member. Brett Buell is with Greg Young. Greg helped lead a garden project at the GOC a few years ago and was Club President during the GOC kitchen construction. Greg has been a great friend of the GOC. He is proud to see the new kitchen complete. Greg is with Deidra Simon and Akeem. Reid Schreiber shared his story regarding mental illness and how the GOC has helped him lead a productive and fulfilling life. Wendie gave tours to Rotarians Patrick Dodds and Club President Lynda Reinhart. Patrick Dodds was with Reid Schreiber for a photo. Patrick has been a big supporter and advocate for the GOC over the years. Our Board Chair Gail Childs shared a few words. Wendie is always here to help. GOC staff and Members were proud to serve the Rotarians like Marie Collins. You can see our new dining room sits quite a few people. Akeem is always ready to help. In the second to last photo are the Members and staff from our kitchen team. Michael Pellet is the Rotarian Architect who designed our new area. Dalton Baker and Mike Conroy are contractors who supervised the project and negotiated prices for us.