Did you know Alberta can donate pretax money right out of her paycheck to the GOC? Well, maybe not the Alberta the mascot, but the UF employee wearing the suit sure can. We attended the UF Campaign for Charities kickoff event today where employees can select from an approved list that has been screened carefully by the University. UF has 20,000 UF employees. Make sure your friends who work there know how the GOC is creating hope and changing lives.

At the GOC, there is no job that is staff-only, and there is no job that is Member-only. We do things together. Members advocate for the GOC because it is important to them. Many UF employees came by our table to learn about us. But UF has almost 20,000 employees. Maybe you know someone who works there. Maybe you can share with them about the GOC. Marie will tell anyone who will listen how much a difference the GOC makes in people’s lives.