Our Rotary Kitchen project is coming along nicely. Along with contributions from Rotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. and individual Rotarians, we are also getting help from the Rotaract Club of Gainesville. Patrick and Ryan picked up some of our wood furniture that has received a lot of wear and tear and they restored it! The Rotary Kitchen at the GOC is truly becoming a community project. We greatly appreciate the support we are receiving as we work to help people living with chronic mental illness. We believe everyone can lead an independent, meaningful and fulfilling life with the right support. Thank you to all Rotary District 6970 friends for helping us help others! Gainesville Rotary Club Sunrise Rotary Club of Gainesville Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville Rotary Club of Greater Gainesville Clubhouse International – ICCD Quality Plumbing Gainesville Carpets Plus Colortile

The top picture is of GOC Development Director and Rotarian Brett Buell with Ryan Thompson and Patrick Irby of Rotary and Rotaract. Ryan Thompson and Patrick Irby moved the heavy wood furniture on a hot July afternoon. Patrick worked on the two furniture pieces at his home.