Thanks to the Rotary Clubs and Rotary Foundation here in Gainesville, our kitchen construction is underway. Rotary and the GOC have been interacting for years. Want to see how the GOC helps people living with mental illness get back into the community? Want to see how Rotary is helping? It takes a community to make a community, and Rotary is right there with us. Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville Gainesville Rotary Club Rotary District 6970 Clubhouse International – ICCD Rotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. Sunrise Rotary Club of Gainesville

GOC Member Valerie got to hear from Dr. Svitlana Ustychenko at at Rotary meeting. Before the meeting, Valerie helped set up the room. Feeling useful helps make you feel good. When you feel good, it’s harder to feel bad. Valerie is working again, and she says that feeling useful helps her battle anxiety. Susan is working again for the first time since 1995. Thank you to Megan Olson, owner of Culver’s, for working with the GOC on supported employment. GOC Member Susan presented Rotarian Megan Olson with a plaque to show our appreciation of her. Rotarian Brenda Chamberlain has been a frequent visitor to the GOC over the years. Rotarian Carl Smart visits the GOC and speaks to Members about how they are moving forward. Rotarian and CEO of the Gainesville Chamber Eric Godet took a moment with GOC Member Marie Fishman. Rotarians Mary Crane, Jennifer Elder, and Steve Elder came to see our program. Reid recently got a job at UF Health Psychiatric Hospital working with patients on their recoveries. Rotarian Ed Book shows GOC Member Reid the ropes on how to park cars at the Wild Game Feast. Rotary has welcomed GOC Members. Members feel like they are part of the community and part of Rotary.