Something look a little different today? There is a hole right where our kitchen is supposed to be. Why? Our friends at Rotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville Sunrise Rotary Club of Gainesville Gainesville Rotary Club Rotary Club of Greater Gainesville and Rotary District 6970 have begun construction on renovating our kitchen. When we’re done we will have a kitchen similar to many restaurants. Thank yo to everyone who has been part of theis journey. Oh, yeah. It isn’t over. If things go smoothly, we will be back in full operation in mid-June. Clubhouse International – ICCD City of Gainesville, FL – Government Santa Fe College

This team of Rotary members, along with our Board President and others helped put this all together. Architect Mike Pellet drew up the plans, Mike Conroy managed the purchases, and Dalton baker is the construction manager and builder. This was taken before we tore everything out. Some of our other Rotary friends who frequent the GOC are proud to support us. Billy Brame, Diane Robar Brett Buell (GOC), Bob Robar, and Ed Book truly believe in us. We hope you will, too. Is this a kitchen or not a kitchen? Well it was a kitchen. It will be a kitchen again. But for now? This certainly is not a kitchen, but was a part of our first 2.5 year in this building. Joe Van and Board member Mercy Quiroga helped get us ready for this big day. GOC Board Member Many Quiroga was also on hand to help get us ready. He is with GOC Development Director Brett Buell. As you can see, the plan is pretty extensive.