One of the key components of our Clubhouse International – ICCD model is to support our Members rejoining the community, and helping give them a voice in their medical care, housing, employment, and other key areas in their lives. So the GOC team headed out to one of the biggest events of the year in our area, the Rotary Wild Game Feast. This gave our Members the opportunity to work side by side with people who have a stake in our community… just like our GOC Members. Events like this prove Service Above Self works to Create Hope in the World Rotary District 6970 Rotary Club of Downtown Gainesville Gainesville Rotary Club Rotary Club of Greater Gainesville Rotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. Sunrise Rotary Club of Gainesville #ServiceAboveSelf #CreateHopeInTheWorld Rotary International

Brett Buell, Deidra Simon and Joel Andresen are with Stephanie Esposito and her husband Michael. Brett is Development Director of GOC. Deidra is Executive Director. Stephanie is President of the Downtown Gainesville Rotarians. Brett will also serve as the President of the Downtown Rotary Club starting July 1. We had another huge crowd for the Wild Game Feast. You never know who you are going to run into here. You can bet the people you do have a stake in our community and care deeply. We also got to eat!!! They had everything from pork ribs and brisket to frog legs and quail. Colleen of the Gainesville Rotary Club is with the GOC crew who are offering to help here prepare the chili. There was Buffalo stew and homemade chili in this cabin. Pollen is in the air. The GOC team wiped tables, added table cloths, and cleaned the chairs. When something needs to be done and you do it, you feel a sense of accomplishment. That is what happens with our GOC Members. Being part of an event like this helps our Members gain the confidence that propels them forward in their lives. Jay Nordqvist of the Gainesville Club instructs our crew on putting tablecloths on. The GOC crew made sure the “tables” were clean. These spools were rolled out of a pavilion and were covered in dirt and pollen. The GOC took care of that problem. Working together for a common cause that needs to be done feels good. After a cold winter, it was almost hot out at the Hatchett Creek Preserve. We were in the sun for a good part of the day. Michael Pellet is the architect who designed our kitchen after the WGF a few years ago. Helen Warren (center) is an advocate for disadvantaged populations, she is former city commissioner, and works in real estate. Downtown Gainesville Club Member Ed Book is with some of the GOC crew, made up of Joel, Kaitlyn, Deidra and Brett.) Steve Elder from the Gainesville Rotary Club was happy to see GOC Member Joel who Steve employed for a number of years. Joel is working full time and living independently. GOC’s Brett Buell who is President Elect of the Downtown Rotary Club is with PE Kevin Golden and current Prez Sherry Houston of the Sunrise Rotary Club. Brett is wearing his GOC shirts and his Rotary pins. It is fun for Members to see things outside their daily lives. Can you see how the GOC helps break social isolation and helps people feel hope? Here we are with Greg Young of the Gainesville Rotary Club. All four Rotary Clubs were part of this eve Leslie from the Downtown Club is with Julie Inman and Holly Bender of the Greater Gainesville Club. Incoming Rotary Area Governor Dorothy Zimmerman and Incoming District Governor Mickey Ulmer are with Brett Buell of the GOC. Brett is also President Elect of the Downtown Rotary Club. Rotarian Megan Olson and Brett Buell are with Gail Childs, the GOC Board Chair. Megan employs GOC Members at the Culver’s restaurant she owns.