Programs old

The Model

The Gainesville Opportunity Center uses the Clubhouse International Work Ordered Day model, an award-winning, evidence-based approach to supporting adults living with mental illness in their self-directed recovery. See The Model

Work Day

The central part of a Clubhouse is the work day. Our members come to participate in meaningful work related activities that provide a sense of accomplishment. That feeling of accomplishment leads to confidence and helps members take important steps forward in their lives. At the Clubhouse. No work is staff-only or Member-only. Staff and Members work together to accomplish important tasks that are vital to the daily operation. We divide the work into key areas that we refer to as “Units.” At the GOC, we have a Culinary Unit and an Office Unit where Members participate in meaningful and important tasks that need to be done.

The Culinary Unit plans a menu, and prepares affordable meals, each weekday for lunches. Daily house maintenance and chores fall under this Unit, and we work together to keep the house clean and sanitary.

The Office Unit participates in activities to keep the business operations running. Members participate in everything from record-keeping to marketing and development. Members work in our reception area, perform data entry, and write for our publications. If a Member hasn’t been coming regularly, we will periodically reach out to them to make sure they are safe. It is important that they always feel welcome and needed here.

There is a wellness program which focuses on the whole health of Members. Outside of normal hours, the GOC has social events on Saturdays twice a month, with a opportunities to participate in a community outing or work on a variety of art and crafts projects.

Here are some of the programs at the GOC:

Culinary Unit

Office Unit

Wellness at the GOC

Art at the GOC