Pat and Susan were proud to represent the GOC at an event for National Overdose Awareness Day. People shared their strength, experience, and hope as we came together to show there is support out there. Thank you to our GOC Members and all of our community partners. Family Promise of Gainesville, FL Gainesville Fire Rescue Alachua County Department of Community Support Services Housing Programs Alachua County Crisis Center UF College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry #hope #staystrong Tu Fiesta Radio

You will see Pat and Susan at lots of our public events. They will tell you it feels good to help others. Rob and Pat are with a new friend from High Field MRI. Brandy, from the City of Gainesville, oversees some innovative new programs that help underserved people with health issues. Sarah, from the Alachua County Crisis Center, shared about the mobile response team that comes to people in crisis. UF Health offers a wide range of services, from addiction recovery to mental health services. Tuti, from Gainesville’s newest radio station, Tu Fiesta Radio, is with Brett, from the GOC. Jessica, from UF Health, along with our friends from Family Promise.