The Rotary Wild Game Feast has come and gone. On to the next phase… planning the renovation of the Rotary Kitchen at the GOC! Thanks to all who participated! Gainesville Rotary Club Rotary Club of Downtown GainesvilleSunrise Rotary Club of GainesvilleRotary Club of Gainesville Foundation, Inc. Rotary Club of Greater Gainesville
A sea of people were out to support the Rotary, the GOC, the Child Advocacy Center, and the UF mobile Outreach Clinic. Three organizations will get funds this year.
Oh the meat! We had everything from brisket to buffalo. The meat was smoked on site. Greg Fleming from the Downtown Rotary Club helped organize meat cutters. GOC Member Joel Andreasen helped. Rotarian Leeza Wheeler enjoyed conversation GOC Board member Gail Childs. Manny and Mercy Quiroga helped sell Rotary Raffle tickets for a trip around the world. GOC Members Susan Call and Pat Bateman were there to help. Susan and Lisa helped wash dishes. Kayla and Cindy worked the crowds and told people about the GOC. Rotarians Michael Pellett and Helen Warren are with Brett well into the evening.