Artwalk has come and gone. We displayed and sold GOC Members art. We made new friends. Old friends came out to see us. Some visited for the first time. Best of all, it was a lot of fun. If you missed us, we’ll be back. Come see us the last Friday of the month from 5-8pm at the GOC, 1210 NW 14th Ave. Artwalk Gainesville

GOC Member Alexis Henderson was our featured artist. She says making art keeps her in the moment. She feels proud of her accomplishments, and we are all very proud of her, too. Our dining room looks like an art gallery, with all of the atmosphere and pomp. Thank you to Maggie for organizing this event. She is with Robert and Joshua, two new friends of the GOC. Heather Lynn is with GOC Board Member Cyndi Garvan and her husband Frank. Claudia Cuadros is with her boyfriend Jim. Claudia volunteers with us as well. We are so grateful for her support. Alexis’s sister Victoria stopped by. It was her first visit at our current location. Leah Vail Compton was here with her son Zach. Leah works in our field nd has been a long time advocate for mental health support services. She is with Manny Quiroga and Terrie Mullin. Jodi Irving has been involved with the GOC since 2007. She is with Alexis and Terrica. Terrie Mullin, a long time supporter, was here came to see her daughter Alexis. Alexis of course was our featured artist. Kathy Morris was here to support someone close to her who also displayed his art that night.