The Amazing Give is coming April 20th!

The Amazing Give is our largest and most important fund-raiser of the year. Proceeds from the Amazing Give are used to improve all our programs and help us help more Members.

Please consider a recurring gift to the Gainesville Opportunity Center on April 20th! You can make a recurring gift on-line by clicking on the link below:

Want to help more? Here’s some things you can do:

  1. Become a fund-raiser for the Amazing Give. To become a fund-raiser, contact Brett Buell at 352-872-3232
  2. Post our flyer. Our Amazing Give flyer is available here: Amazing Give Flyer
  3. Tell your friends and family. We love our friends and family, and they love us. They often ask how they can help. Please let them know they can help by making a gift to the GOC on April 20th at the Amazing Give.

Checks are very welcome. Please make checks payable to the Gainesville Opportunity Center. Checks may be dropped off at the GOC at 1210 NW 14th Avenue, Gainesville, 32601, or mailed to us at the same address.

We look forward to your support of the GOC at the Amazing Give, April 20, 2023!