The Accreditation Team visited the GOC this week to observe and evaluate our program. Their remarks will be a major factor in determining our status for full accreditation under the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation. After three days, they shared their findings with our Members, Board of Directors and Staff. They said our work was outstanding in the areas of the work day, employment, education, and social supports. They said we met or exceeded virtually every Clubhouse Standard.
This evaluation was conducted by Matt Reed and John Hayes, who come from Clubhouses near Salt Lake City, Utah, and Ft. Wayne, Indiana. As the GOC is a peer program, their is no-one better to evaluate us than staff and Members from other Clubhouse programs.

We are so proud of every Member, staff, and volunteer that has ever come through our doors over our years of operation. This accomplishment belongs to everyone involved who supported us in any way.
We will be hearing from Clubhouse International within the next 30-90 days regarding our formal status. Thank you again to everyone who helped make our journey possible.